Fresh investigation report is a type of report done by our professional analysts. Apart from the latest database information, we interview the target company itself, its suppliers and customers, sales region, payment history etc., and obtain fresh information to complete the report. By reading the fresh investigation report, you can have a comprehensive and deep understanding of financial, industry background, etc. Even the shareholder and director of the legal representative are included in the report. The company's background will be more visual for you.
The world of business and finance is ever-changing, and changing faster than ever before. To make accurate decisions, credit information regarding companies must be totally up-to-date.
Strong business credit reports can be key to getting your company approved for trade credit and financing. Understand how they work and how to build strong business credit.
Taking into account your unique business risks and risk profiles, we provide comprehensive corporate risk reports to help you avoid costly losses.
We bring an unmatched combination of industry specific expertise, deep intellectual capital, and global experience to the range of risks you face.
We leverage data, technology, and experience to help you stay away from risks.