Business credit is the basis of forming a good credit market environment


Business credit is the basis of forming a good credit market environment

Credit is the cornerstone of forming a good business environment, and closely combining credit construction with deepening the reform of “regulatory services” and optimizing the business environment in practice, China is actively exploring the construction of a new credit-based regulatory mechanism. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China stressed that “we must improve the basic system of the market economy such as social credit and optimize the business environment.” The business environment is playing an increasingly important role in promoting economic growth, and optimizing the business credit reporting agent environment is crucial. Credit construction and business environment reform complement each other, and credit plays a vital role in the process of optimizing the business environment.

Credit is the foundation of a good business environment

In the Outline of the Social Credit System Construction Plan (2014-2020) of The State Council, the credit system is divided into four aspects – government integrity, business integrity, social integrity, judicial public trust, and the four aspects of China’s operator environment are almost one-to-one correspondence, which is a mutual mapping and mutual reflection relationship. It can be seen that in order to optimize the business environment, we must strengthen credit construction. Credit is the cornerstone of forming a good business environment, and closely combining credit construction with deepening the reform of “regulatory services” and optimizing the business environment in practice, China is actively exploring the construction of a new credit-based regulatory mechanism.

As an important manifestation of the relationship between the government and the market, the regulatory mechanism is itself an integral part of the business environment. Article 53~57 of the Regulations of The State Council on Optimizing the Business Environment clearly states that “the government and its relevant departments shall, in accordance with the requirements of the State on accelerating the construction of a new credit-based regulatory mechanism, innovate and improve credit supervision, strengthen the support and guarantee of credit supervision, strengthen the organization and implementation of credit supervision, and constantly improve the efficiency of credit supervision”. At the same time, the key points and contents of credit supervision are given.

Problems and deficiencies of credit supervision in China

There are still some shortcomings and weaknesses that need to be strengthened in credit supervision in optimizing the business environment, which are mainly reflected in the following aspects: the overall construction of the social credit system is still unbalanced, the infrastructure construction and operation mechanism of some localities are imperfect, and the ability to innovate and apply credit is not strong; The credit supervision coverage of departments and industries is not wide, the application scenarios of urban credit services are not enough, and the sense of credit experience is not strong; The development of credit service market lags behind, credit service institutions are few, small scale, and the overall strength is not strong.

A few suggestions

First, make full use of new technologies such as big data and artificial intelligence to strengthen the development and utilization of credit information, implement credit monitoring in various regions and fields, and carry out multidimensional credit portraits of various market players, so as to achieve accurate supervision. Continue to promote the digital and intelligent construction of the integrated credit platform system, and build a smart credit service system.

The second is to widely implement the credit commitment system of market players, and realize the closed-loop application of credit commitment of “credit verification – commitment making – performance tracking – violation investigation”.

The third is to establish and improve the credit information sharing mechanism, establish credit files for all market players, and government departments at all levels should take the credit status of market players as an important basis for management decisions, so as to achieve cross-departmental and cross-regional collaborative supervision.

The fourth is to establish and improve the industry credit evaluation mechanism, implement classified supervision on market players according to the status of law-abiding and good faith, and allocate limited regulatory resources to the key areas, key links and key objects that need supervision most.

The fifth is to establish and improve the credit joint reward and punishment mechanism, fully implement the industry “red blacklist” management system, so that the trust-keepers can enjoy convenient services everywhere, implement joint punishment for the faithless, and increase the cost of illegal and faithless.

The sixth is to continuously expand the credit benefit scenario, give full play to the role of various social organizations and credit service agencies such as associations (chambers of commerce), support industry associations (chambers of commerce) and credit service agencies to participate in industry credit construction and credit supervision, and encourage third-party credit service agencies to provide diversified, specialized and innovative credit service products for government management decision-making and economic and social activities.

Post time: Nov-10-2023

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