A new model of commercial credit rating management in Changsha Province, China


A new model of commercial credit rating management in Changsha Province, China

Based on the principles of public welfare, comprehensiveness and objectivity, the comprehensive evaluation of public credit will objectively reflect the comprehensive status of public credit of market players from nine aspects: “judicial decision, administrative supervision, performance and fulfillment of commitments, operation and management, development and innovation, incentives for trustworthiness, punishment for dishonesty, social supervision and industry indicators”. Industry credit evaluation relies on more detailed and practical credit data of the region and specific industries, and by focusing on the credit status of specific industries, it can more accurately reflect the credit performance of market players in this field; The market credit evaluation is formulated by the credit industry association, and the third-party credit service agencies rely on the “big data + manual” collection method to collect the business information of the market entities in the market economic activities, which not only reflects the credit performance of the market entities in the market economic activities, but also reflects their viability and development potential in the market economic environment.
Changsha in China has officially entered the stage of system implementation from the stage of seeking verification in the management of credit classification, which is also a phased achievement in promoting the construction of the city’s social credit system. Changsha Municipal Development and Reform Commission will comprehensively score the results of public credit comprehensive evaluation, industry credit evaluation and market credit evaluation according to their weights. This credit classification model based on the comprehensive score of dimensional credit evaluation results has walked out of a new way and set up a new model, among which the innovation is worth learning.

This innovative credit classification model of Changsha City, China, has achieved a multi-dimensional and comprehensive evaluation of the credit of market players, and will provide a more comprehensive, just and objective credit portrait for commercial credit market players.

Post time: Jan-09-2024

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