Business credit reporting agencies have basically formed a high-quality development framework


Business credit reporting agencies have basically formed a high-quality development framework

The credit mechanism for the protection of credit reporting investors has been improved. The quality and structure of listed companies have been significantly optimized, and the strength and service capacity of securities fund futures institutions have continued to increase.

The supervision capacity and effectiveness of the credit market have been greatly improved. The formation of a sound credit market ecosystem was accelerated. A highly adaptable and competitive credit market has been basically established, and the legitimate rights and interests of investors have been more effectively protected. The investment and financing structure has become more reasonable, the quality of listed companies has improved significantly, and the construction of top credit reporting agencies has made remarkable progress. The credit market supervision system and mechanism are more complete. The modernization level of the credit market governance system and governance capacity has been further improved, and high-quality credit matching the financial power has been built.

Post time: Apr-22-2024

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