China’s business credit society is developing a high level of credit economy


China’s business credit society is developing a high level of credit economy

To study and improve the credit sales guarantee mechanism, and encourage enterprises to actively use credit tools such as business credit reports, credit insurance, factoring, and guarantees. We will support the development of domestic trade credit insurance and encourage places where conditions permit to explore the establishment of risk compensation mechanisms. Combing corporate information to support insurance institutions to carry out accurate services. We will give better play to the role of export credit insurance and optimize underwriting and claim settlement conditions.

We will promote cooperation between financial institutions and commercial circulation enterprises, reasonably increase consumer credit support for consumers to purchase automobiles, home appliances, home appliances and other products, and continue to optimize interest rates and fee levels. Under the premise of controllable risks, commercial circulation enterprises are encouraged to actively create credit application scenarios for consumers, and provide consumers with flexible trading arrangements such as use before pay, deposit reduction and reduction.

Financial institutions are encouraged to develop special credit products suitable for small, medium and micro commercial circulation enterprises on the basis of sales data, accounts receivable, and credit insurance policies, so as to alleviate the problem of difficult and expensive financing. Actively make use of the national integrated financing credit service platform network to provide credit enhancement support for foreign trade enterprises in various ways, and encourage financial institutions to increase import and export credit for small, medium-sized and micro foreign trade enterprises.

On the basis of comprehensive public credit evaluation, explore and formulate credit evaluation guidelines or standards in the business field, improve the basic principles, main contents and disclosure norms of credit evaluation, and guide relevant institutions to establish scientific, fair and transparent credit evaluation rules. Guide business districts, pedestrian streets and e-commerce platforms to carry out merchant credit management, establish a multi-dimensional, whole-process evaluation system, and create conditions for consumers to use credit evaluation as the basis for consumption decisions.

Encourage enterprises to establish and improve the internal credit management system, through the establishment and improvement of customer credit records, strengthen credit assessment and accounts receivable management, give full play to the basic role of credit in the development of trading decisions and the development of trading conditions. Make full use of public credit information, scientifically apply various credit products and credit services, adopt new technologies such as big data and the Internet, improve risk management and control capabilities, and manage and maintain enterprises’ own credit.

Post time: Dec-06-2023

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