Credit agencies play a substantial role in risk control


Credit agencies play a substantial role in risk control

There are some differences in risk assessment models and data used by different platforms. Different financial institutions have different risk preferences for customers, and how to reconcile individual needs in the cooperation between platforms, credit investigation institutions and financial institutions may also need to be explored constantly. In addition, the role of the platform of pure asset-light lending model in risk control and accurate matching may decline, which also depends on how much substantive role business credit agencies can play in risk control.

There is not a set of widely accepted credit data standards in the credit investigation industry, and different credit investigation agencies have different data content, collection methods, collection methods, and data analysis and processing methods. In reality, new Internet enterprises tend to follow their own credit reporting standards due to business scale requirements, and the resulting credit rating is characterized by individuality and randomness, which not only makes the standard not time-efficient in the long term, but also easily leads to the problem of excessive credit granting for new Internet enterprises, thus breeding the risk of long borrowing and co-debt. The lack of uniformity of Internet credit reporting standards makes it difficult to form a consistent credit rating conclusion, which affects the integration and utilization efficiency of information resources.

Post time: Mar-26-2024

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