Credit reports of enterprises throughout China instead of certificates of no violations of laws and regulations


Credit reports of enterprises throughout China instead of certificates of no violations of laws and regulations

The certificate of no violations of laws and regulations is a very important part of the market operation activities of enterprises applying for listing or carrying out refinancing, and they are faced with problems such as a large number of issuance, multiple submission scenarios, and multiple handling processes for a long time. The special credit report replaces the certificate of no violations of laws and regulations, which solves the problems faced by enterprises for a long time, such as a large number of issues, multiple submission scenarios, and multiple handling processes, and greatly saves a lot of time and cost for enterprises.

Businesses can access dedicated business credit reports online and offline. The relevant departments in Beijing will continue to improve the working mechanism and service model, steadily expand the scope of information inquiry with or without violations of laws and regulations, and explore and promote the application of special credit reports in more scenarios.

Under the background of digital reform, a credit report replaces the non-violation certificate to achieve cross-scenario application, and innovates process reengineering in accordance with the principle of reducing processes, materials and data, so that enterprises can simplify their affairs, which is of great significance for improving the level of government service, improving the sense of enterprise gain, and enhancing the awareness of enterprise trustworthiness.

Post time: Jan-03-2024

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