Deepen the full scope of enterprise credit management in the field of credit investigation


Deepen the full scope of enterprise credit management in the field of credit investigation

In 2024, Beijing will carry out a “risk + credit” classification assessment of business entities, and implement a comprehensive supervision “nothing does not bother” white list pilot. Among them, for the low risk, good credit quality business entities, will develop a white list of industry fields. All the business entities included in the white list, in principle, do not take the initiative to carry out on-site inspections. It is understood that since 2024, the first batch of 150 business entities have been included in the white list pilot. This is conducive to business entities will be more time and energy into production and operation, wholehearted development.
Through the implementation of credit classification and supervision in the field of elderly care services, we can effectively meet the diversified and multi-level needs of elderly care services, deepen the full scope and full chain credit management in the field of elderly care services, and create an innovative model of “credit + elderly care services”.

Post time: Apr-01-2024

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