General Office of the Ministry of Commerce Issues “Three-Year Action Plan for the Construction of Commercial Credit System (2024-2026)”


General Office of the Ministry of Commerce Issues “Three-Year Action Plan for the Construction of Commercial Credit System (2024-2026)”

Recently, in order to promote the in-depth application of credit in enhancing the efficiency of economic activities and the level of administrative management in the field of commerce, the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) studied and formulated the “Three-Year Action Plan for the Construction of Commercial Credit System (2024-2026)”.

I. General Requirements

Guided by Xi Jinping’s Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, fully, accurately and comprehensively implementing the new development concept, accelerating the construction of a new development pattern, aiming at meeting the people’s growing needs for a better life, promoting the in-depth application of credit in enhancing the efficiency of economic activities and the level of administration and management in the field of commerce, adhering to the principles of demand-driven, pragmatic, localization-first, and key breakthroughs, and promoting the construction of a high-quality commercial credit system. It will insist on demand-driven, effect-oriented, localization-first and key breakthroughs to promote the high-quality development of commercial credit system construction. In three years’ time, a number of honest business entities will be cultivated, a number of honest business districts will be created, and a number of industry innovation and application results will be formed. By 2026, the credit management system and means in the field of commerce will be continuously improved, the consumption environment and business environment will be continuously optimized, and the people and business subjects will fully enjoy the credit dividend.


II. Developing the business credit economy

(i) Promoting the construction of credit economy. Encourage localities to explore the construction of commercial credit economy cities and form a batch of replicable and popularized experiences. Promote relevant cities to further innovate the development mechanism of credit economy, actively promote credit sales, credit consumption and credit financing, expand credit application scenarios, cultivate credit economic ecology, and comprehensively enhance the efficiency of economic operation in the business sector.
(ii) Cultivate honest business entities. Promote various types of commerce and circulation industry agglomeration area to strengthen the integrity system construction, the implementation of integrity management commitment, promote integrity management, and enhance the credit level of commerce and circulation industry. Selecting and releasing a number of integrity models to cultivate and strengthen the sense of integrity of business subjects.
(iii) Carrying out credit-friendly services for enterprises. Explore the establishment of regular credit services for enterprises, and organize a number of banks, insurance and credit service agencies to promote credit knowledge and provide credit products to domestic and foreign trade enterprises, so as to enhance the credit management level of business entities and their ability to use credit products, facilitate market development and broaden financing channels.



III. Promoting commercial credit management

(iv) Improve consumer credit construction. Grasp the implementation of various policies and measures introduced to promote consumption, and encourage financial institutions to strengthen credit support for automobiles, homes and other bulk consumption. Combined with a series of activities to promote consumption, set up a platform to promote financial services. Strengthen the credit system construction of the drug distribution industry, continue to organize the drug distribution industry “honesty and integrity of the industry, honesty and people” theme activities, and actively promote industry self-discipline.
(v) Strengthening the credit construction of domestic helpers. Promoting the authentication of the real names of more domestic helpers on the “domestic helper credit check”, improving employment records, and strengthening the sharing of credit information with relevant departments. Promoting the connection of local domestic service credit information service platforms with the Domestic Service Credit Check, and exploring the interconnection of such platforms with relevant local platforms and domestic service enterprises’ own platforms. Strengthen the application of credit information, and study the credit rating and coding of domestic helpers.
(vi) Promoting e-commerce credit construction. Strengthen the leading role of standards, guide e-commerce industry organizations to develop corporate credit construction norms and other group standards, increase live e-commerce and other published standards to promote e-commerce industry integrity, standardized management. Guide industry associations to launch integrity management initiatives, selection of good cases of integrity mechanism construction.
(vii) Strengthen foreign trade credit construction. In the import and export qualification and quota management of some products, etc., strengthen the credit review of business entities. Carrying out foreign trade brand building, organizing brand publicity and promotion activities in key overseas markets, enhancing the international visibility of brands, and cultivating new competitive advantages in foreign trade.
(viii) Optimizing foreign investment credit construction. Promote the inclusion of foreign investment information reports in the “double random and open” supervision of market supervision departments, standardize the inspection workflow and enhance management effectiveness. Do a good job in implementing the Opinions of the State Council on Further Optimizing the Foreign Investment Environment and Strengthening Efforts to Attract Foreign Investment.
(ix) Promote credit construction for foreign investment and cooperation. Strictly implement the policy documents on the management of foreign investment filing and approval, and the management of foreign contracted engineering projects filing and establishment, and include the relevant illegal and irregular behaviors of enterprises in the credit record, so as to further strengthen the credit supervision. Promote the establishment of a sound credit information sharing and cooperation mechanism for the main bodies implementing foreign aid projects, promote the exchange and sharing of credit information, improve the quantitative evaluation mechanism, and enhance the effectiveness of the supervision of foreign aid implementation.
(x) Promoting the integration of domestic and foreign trade credit construction. Promote e-commerce platforms and industrial clusters to carry out credit system construction work, and create a credit environment conducive to smooth domestic and international double circulation. Actively support the respective pilot trade zones and Hainan Free Trade Port to play the role of comprehensive experimental platform for reform and opening up, and implement credit grading and classification management.

IV. Strengthening Credit Infrastructure

(xi) Promote the interconnection of credit information. Strengthen the business field of administrative licensing and administrative penalties “double publicity” information collection, study and improve the credit discipline and repair mechanism. Promote the interconnection of the business credit information platform with the national credit information platform and local business credit platforms. Explore credit information exchange and sharing with industry associations and other organizations.
(xii) Create a social atmosphere for promoting business with integrity. To organize the “Integrity in Business Promotion Month” series of activities, constantly enrich the content of activities, innovative ways of publicity, expanding the momentum of publicity, promote the culture of integrity, and create an atmosphere of integrity. Upgrade the “Credit for the People” activities, organize relevant financial institutions to further expand the coverage of activities, the development of “Credit for the People” activities in new forms to help restore and expand consumption.
(xiii) Conducting research and application of commercial credit. Promote research on cross-border credit cooperation mechanisms, take the culture of integrity as an entry point, deeply refine the cultural essence of traditional Chinese business culture, and explore new paths for the creative transformation and innovative development of traditional business culture.



Post time: Sep-05-2024

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