Gladtrust was invited to participate in and complete the signing of key projects in Xi ‘an, China


Gladtrust was invited to participate in and complete the signing of key projects in Xi ‘an, China

On the afternoon of November 27, 2023, Xi ‘an High-tech Zone held a series of activities for the second anniversary of the construction of Silk Road Software City, putting 29 projects into use and signing 7 projects on site. Ma Xianping, member of the Standing Committee of Xi ‘an Municipal Committee and Secretary of the Party Working Committee of High-tech Zone attended the meeting, and Qi Haibing, deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee and director of the Management Committee of High-tech Zone, presided over the meeting. All the leaders of the Party Working committee and management committee of the high-tech zone, the main persons in charge of the streets, departments, park development centers, management service agencies, state-owned enterprises directly under the high-tech zone, enterprise representatives and media representatives participated in the activity. Gladtrust was invited to participate in and complete the signing of key projects.

High-quality projects promote high-quality development. As the main battlefield of the “four high and new” construction, in the past two years, Silk Road Software City has focused on the key link areas, closely focused on leading enterprises and hidden champions, adhered to the “external attraction and internal exploitation of potential”, and made efforts in the same direction, new models, new carriers and new services, and has formed a promotion mode of major projects signing a batch, building a batch, and putting into operation. Through the development of competitive industrial clusters and a livable and business-friendly ecological environment, we will form a development pattern of invigorating cities through industry, promoting industry through city, and integrating industry and city. This will provide important support for generating new growth drivers through investment, building a modern industrial system, and taking greater steps to promote high-quality development.

This year, there are 25 projects in the Silk Road Software City, involving artificial intelligence, chip design, software design and research and development and other electronic information industry related fields. Recently, a number of key investment projects of leading enterprises have reached cooperation intentions with Silk Road Software City, covering the fields of digital economy, intelligent manufacturing, technical services, with a total investment of nearly 3 billion yuan.

Gladtrust was invited to participate in this event and completed the on-site signing of the Silk Road Headquarters project. Gladtrust will build a service trade industry public service platform operation center, build a “credit Silk Road” cross-border comprehensive service platform, based on Glad Global enterprise credit data center, digital technology as the support, to provide enterprises with global coverage of public credit services, improve the ability of enterprises to trade security; Take Xi ‘an as an important node to radiate the Silk Road Economic Belt and help the high-quality development of regional economy.

As an important data element participant, Gladtrust implements the national strategy in the construction of digital China, the construction of the national credit system, and the construction of the Belt and Road, looks at the global perspective, focuses on the cross-border data, continues to explore the pilot measures, and is committed to creating a “credit global” brand that belongs to the Chinese people. It will inject new power to improve the convenience, security and digital development of interregional trade, finance and investment financing activities.

Post time: Jan-02-2024

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