Gladtrust was invited to participate in the China New Smart City Development Innovation Summit


Gladtrust was invited to participate in the China New Smart City Development Innovation Summit

On November 24, Gladtrust, as an outstanding representative of Qingdao digital economy enterprises, was invited to participate in the “China New Smart City Development Innovation Summit” held in Qingdao International Convention Center, and Song Shuda, president of the company, delivered a keynote speech on “Mining the value of enterprise credit data to create credit data market Scenarios”.
The summit, co-sponsored by the State Information Center, Shandong Big Data Bureau and Qingdao Municipal People’s Government, is the only industry event in the field of new smart cities in China jointly sponsored by the national, provincial and municipal business authorities.
In his speech, Song highlighted the importance and value of corporate credit data. He pointed out that with the rapid development of the digital economy and the continuous emergence of new technologies, corporate credit data has become an important driving force to promote the development of smart cities. Song Shuida said that by mining the value of enterprise credit data, more market-oriented scenarios can be created to provide strong support for the construction of smart cities.
As an important participant in the national data element strategy, Gladtrust takes it as its responsibility to provide reliable and efficient cross-border credit services, constantly innovates solutions, helps the construction of local credit systems, and effectively promotes the development of smart cities.

Post time: Jan-09-2024

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