How does the regulator manage the enterprise credit information market?


How does the regulator manage the enterprise credit information market?

The financial industry supervision part puts forward several aspects such as “institutional supervision, behavioral supervision and functional supervision”, which are also applicable to the enterprise credit information market. In addition to the general contents such as institutional access, market operation order management, and implementation of government governance concepts and policies, an important aspect is to foster a healthy competitive atmosphere. There is no doubt that healthy competitive trade markets are dynamic markets, but markets do not always solve the problems that hinder healthy competition on their own. This is the meaning of market regulation and the opportunity for administrative forces to intervene in the market. On the other hand, regulators should not be one-sided in their pursuit of “order”, because sometimes the disruption of an existing order is just the seed of innovative activity.

According to the experience of some countries, whether there is a healthy competitive atmosphere in the enterprise credit information market is often viewed from the following aspects:

1. Whether the entry or exit threshold is appropriate;

(2) Whether established institutions in the industry, especially the dominant large institutions, use their dominant position to suppress small institutions and new entrants to the market;

3. Whether there is enough innovation in the market;

(4) Whether the market is an efficient market, such as whether competition leads to the improvement of service quality and cost reduction, and any problems that hinder healthy competition in the market should be the “roadblocks” that regulators should focus on removing.

Post time: Nov-16-2023

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