How to improve the basic system of market economy such as business credit


How to improve the basic system of market economy such as business credit

Accelerate the development of a large unified national market, build a high-standard credit market system, and create a market-oriented and law-based international credit business environment; Strictly implement the supervision responsibility of credit reporting enterprises, standardize the exercise of administrative discretion, and standardize the compliance of business credit reports; We will increase policy support for export tax rebates, credit guarantees, and credit. We will promote the development of a social credit system.

We will improve the basic systems for the market economy, such as property rights protection, market access, fair competition, and social credit, strengthen anti-monopoly and anti-unfair competition, regulate and guide the sound development of capital in accordance with the law, create a favorable environment for business entities of all types to invest and start their own businesses, and stimulate their vitality.

We will make timely adjustments, optimize and implement policies to reduce burdens, continue to reduce costs, strengthen the security of energy, resources, and important industrial and supply chains, promote integration and sharing of credit information for enterprises, enhance financial services capabilities for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, promote the recovery and development of business entities, and increase the ability to create jobs.

The relevant information of enterprise tax credit is used as an important reference for financial institutions to provide loans to private enterprises, especially small and micro enterprises; Continue to improve the dynamic “credit + risk” regulatory system; For large enterprises with good credit, on-demand invoicing will be tried out and will no longer be limited by the amount of invoicing.

Post time: Dec-12-2023

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