Promote an efficient business credit management system


Promote an efficient business credit management system

Encourage places where conditions permit to establish and improve business entities’ credit records, implement credit commitments, and improve reward and punishment mechanisms in the fields of domestic and foreign trade, foreign investment, foreign investment cooperation, foreign aid implementation, and e-commerce. In administrative approval, market access and other matters, give full play to the role of business credit reports issued by public credit collection agencies and third-party credit service agencies. On the basis of fully mastering credit information and comprehensive research and judgment of credit status, hierarchical and classified management is carried out to continuously optimize the allocation of management resources.

We will deepen credit development in household services and other consumer areas. Foreign trade enterprises are encouraged to deeply cultivate the international market and win the industry reputation and market influence with honest management. We will fully implement the Foreign Investment Law and its implementing regulations, and thoroughly implement the management system of pre-establishment national treatment plus a negative list for foreign investment. We will improve credit reward and punishment mechanisms for foreign economic and trade cooperation in foreign investment, foreign contract projects, foreign labor cooperation, and foreign aid implementation.

Encourage business associations in the business field to carry out the work of integrity management commitment, credit publicity, credit training, integrity publicity, etc., and adopt industry-specific incentives such as key promotion and membership fee reduction for honest enterprises. Encourage industry associations to establish credit records and disclosure systems for industry enterprises and employees in accordance with the law.

Optimize commercial public credit services. Promote the application of the national e-commerce public service platform, support business entities to participate in credit construction, maintain credit records, and enjoy credit value-added services. Accelerate the promotion of domestic service credit information platforms and “domestic service credit check” applications, guide domestic service enterprises and waiters to establish credit records, and encourage consumers to actively use credit query services. We will improve the publicity platform of the foreign investment information reporting system and make it more convenient for the public to inquire about it.

Post time: Dec-08-2023

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