Qingdao Scene Application Laboratory financial media activity group visited Gladtrust


Qingdao Scene Application Laboratory financial media activity group visited Gladtrust

On April 9, led by Li Juan, deputy director of Kinetic Energy Promotion Department of Qingdao Development and Reform Commission, and Liu Mingchao, cadre of Kinetic Energy Promotion Department, Together with representatives from China Merchants Bank, Pudong Development Bank, Youth Venture Capital, Qingdao Talent Development Group, Milestone Venture Capital, DFJ Longma Fund, Huizhi Xiangshun Fund, China News Service, Dazhong Daily, Qingdao Financial Daily, Qingdao TV Station, etc., a financial media group was formed to visit Gladtrust. Shen Wei, Vice President of Gladtrust, received and talked with the heads of relevant functional departments.

Vice President Shen Wei led the activity group to visit the exhibition hall of the company, introduced in detail the company’s development history, the construction and operation of the cross-border credit scenario application laboratory, the financing situation and the follow-up financing plan, and answered the questions raised by financial institutions and media reporters in detail. The activity group expressed appreciation for the cross-border credit service model of Gladtrust.

Based on cross-border credit data and supported by digital technology, Gladtrust Cross-border Credit Scenario Application Laboratory develops and innovates around “cross-border credit digital products” and adopts the model of “1+1+N”, that is, “1 cross-border credit service comprehensive platform, 1 exhibition center, N kinds of services”. Make global cross-border trade more successful.

In the future, with the support and help of relevant departments such as the National Development and Reform Commission, Gladtrust will continue to deepen cross-border credit digital services, continue to carry out scene innovation and application, and better serve the development of enterprises.


Post time: Apr-12-2024

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