Summary of dynamic development of China’s credit economy in 2022


Summary of dynamic development of China’s credit economy in 2022

1, enterprise credit investigation supervision | The one-year anniversary of the implementation of the “new regulations” on credit investigation, the supervision of “cutting direct connection” and lending assistance has attracted a lot of attention

As a central bank department regulation, the “Credit reporting business Management Measures” has been implemented on January 1, 2022, although there are no public penalties and compliance enforcement reports, but because it involves the supervision of credit replacement data and loan assistance business, it has attracted much attention in the financial and data fields.

2, enterprise credit | the tenth anniversary of the development of domestic commercial factoring

According to the calculation of the Commercial factoring Committee of the China Association of Trade in Services, the growth rate of China’s commercial factoring business in 2021 will exceed 20%, taking 1.5 trillion yuan in 2020 as the base, the business volume in 2021 should be about 1.8 trillion yuan, and the business volume of commercial factoring is expected to exceed 2 trillion yuan in 2022. In 2025, the scale of commercial factoring business will double on the basis of 2020 and is expected to reach 3 trillion yuan.

Iii. Corporate credit investigation | expanded movable property financing services for enterprises

By the end of November 2022, a total of 83,000 micro, small and medium-sized enterprises had obtained accounts receivable financing through the financing service platform, and the number of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises with financing increased by 56.3% annually. ,

3. The Social credit system | The draft of the Social Credit Law was released for comments

The Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Construction of a Social Credit System (Draft for Public Comment) was published for public comment on November 14, 2022. A sound social credit system is an important guarantee for the effective connection between supply and demand, a solid foundation for the optimal allocation of resources, and an important part of a sound business environment.

| “Credit Investigation History of the United States” has been selected into many domestic and foreign

Josh Lauer, the original author of the History of American Credit Investigation, is a well-known American historian and professor of information technology. The development history of the United States (personal) credit investigation for nearly 200 years can be regarded as a magnificent series. To study the history of credit investigation in the United States, we must first draw on the history of credit investigation in the past two hundred years. More importantly, we hope to make full use of the consumer market, the application of information technology and the advantages of latecomers to surpass the credit investigation in the United States.

Vi. Personal credit investigation service | credit investigation repair has triggered hot discussion

Personal credit repair is the product of the development of personal credit to a certain stage, the depth and breadth of domestic personal credit application is still in the stage of improvement and improvement, personal credit repair mainly focuses on the objection processing of personal credit report information, and the company that propagandises “bad credit information whitewashing” is an obvious commercial fraud, which needs to be prohibited.

4. Credit market | Under the epidemic situation, many banks have adopted the policy of postponing mortgage loans

On April 6, 2022, the topic of “It is necessary to put on the agenda to delay the repayment of housing loans due to the epidemic” rushed to the hot search. Personal mortgage is related to the vital interests of thousands of households. China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission responded to the delay of mortgage repayment: through flexible adjustment of repayment arrangements, reasonable extension of the repayment period and other ways to ease the repayment pressure of customers affected by the epidemic.

5. Consumer finance | New regulations on credit cards were introduced

In recent years, the role of promoting consumption upgrading through credit card business is particularly obvious, and the regulatory authorities have issued a series of laws and regulations to re-establish the important market position of credit card in consumer finance business.

Overseas credit investigation | Hong Kong personal credit investigation license to facilitate cross-border credit investigation in the Greater Bay Area

Three Hong Kong companies have been officially selected as Credit data service Agencies under the Multiple Credit Reference Agencies Model (MCRA) model.

| A number of foreign credit service businesses have withdrawn from China

Moody’s Analytics exits China.

Citibank closes its domestic retail banking operations.

European credit giant CRIF has withdrawn its main business from the Chinese mainland.

Post time: Nov-17-2023

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