The Chinese government will vigorously promote the construction of a credit system for rural enterprises


The Chinese government will vigorously promote the construction of a credit system for rural enterprises

Recently, Chinese government agencies have supported local governments and financial institutions to build a public credit information data platform related to agriculture, improve the multi-party collection and classification of credit information data protection mechanism, and strengthen the effectiveness of data use and data storage security. Continue to carry out the creation of “credit users”, “credit villages” and “credit townships (towns)”, and encourage financial institutions to cooperate with government financing guarantee institutions to carry out the whole village credit and the whole village guarantee. On the basis of the use of credit investigation services, financial credit institutions should give full play to the role of credit through train data sharing for agricultural business entities, make good use of the achievements of credit system construction such as the national integrated financing credit service platform, build a linkage mechanism for credit evaluation and credit approval, and better meet the reasonable financing needs of various business entities. Encourage all localities to establish a blacklist of malicious evading and abolishing financial debts, and create a sound regional financial ecological environment.

It is necessary to strengthen precision drip irrigation and positive incentives, increase the support of monetary policy tools, strengthen the coordination of fiscal and financial policies, and form a comprehensive financial system to support agriculture. We will strengthen the organizational functions of financial institutions, expand diversified financial services, and enhance the ability of insurance protection services. We will improve the mechanisms for confirming and certifying rural property rights, registering mortgages, transferring transactions, evaluating and disposing of rural property rights, and promote the reform of the market for supporting elements of financing.

As of the end of April 2023, the balance of agriculture-related loans was 53.16 trillion yuan, an increase of 16.4%. To provide stronger financial support for comprehensively promoting rural revitalization and accelerating the construction of an agricultural power.

Post time: Nov-20-2023

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