The credit evaluation of the third party business credit service agencies helps the development of enterprises


The credit evaluation of the third party business credit service agencies helps the development of enterprises

Nationwide, thanks to Changsha’s active establishment of the Changsha business credit service agency database and the establishment of business credit service agencies, credit service agencies nationwide have actively participated in the construction of Changsha’s social credit system, and the credit classification results will be collected and displayed synchronously with professional third-party credit information systems. Excellent classification results will contribute to the credit evaluation of third-party credit service agencies, help market players in participating in nationwide administrative management, bidding and bidding through the issuance of third-party credit reports to gain points, and effectively promote the steady development of enterprises.

From the perspective of data sources, Changsha’s credit rating and classification integrated the management and evaluation of the national public credit information center, the competent departments of various industries, industry business associations, third-party credit service agencies, as well as the trading objects, employees and consumers of market players in the production and operation of market players. This diversified evaluation method fully mobilized the enthusiasm of all parties involved. It is conducive to integrating resources of all parties and promoting information sharing and wisdom co-governance.

This model has led to the extensive participation of many parties, gathered collective wisdom, and formed a joint credit construction and sharing force. This can not only help government departments better understand the credit status of market players in the region, provide a scientific basis for policy formulation, but also promote cooperation and transactions between market players and reduce market risks.

Post time: Jan-09-2024

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