The credit report provided by credit check services for businesses should protect consumers’ personal information


The credit report provided by credit check services for businesses should protect consumers’ personal information

Annual Report on the Protection of Chinese Consumer Rights and Interests: Focus on Credit-Related Issues


On May 27, the China Consumers Association released the Annual Report on the Protection of Chinese Consumer Rights and Interests (2023) in Beijing. This report highlighted six significant issues affecting consumer rights and interests in China, with particular emphasis on the financial sector. Among these, the most pressing concerns were related to consumer credit. This article delves into these credit-related issues, explores the newly announced local platform for SME financing credit services, and examines how credit reports for property service enterprises can influence their operations.

Key Issues in Consumer Credit Protection

The Annual Report identified several critical gaps in consumer credit protection. One major issue is that consumer credit-related legislation in the financial sector is lagging behind. This gap leaves consumers vulnerable, particularly concerning their basic rights. These rights include the right to know, the right to privacy, the right to revoke, and the right to repay loans in advance.

The Right to Know

Consumers have the right to be fully informed about the terms and conditions of any credit-related service they engage with. However, inadequate legislation often means that this right is not adequately protected, leaving consumers at a disadvantage.

The Right to Privacy

The protection of consumers’ personal information is paramount. With the increasing digitization of financial services, safeguarding consumer data against unauthorized access and misuse is more critical than ever. Unfortunately, current regulations do not always provide sufficient protection.

The Right to Revoke

Consumers should have the ability to revoke consent for financial products and services. This includes the right to withdraw from agreements within a specified period, ensuring they are not trapped in unfavorable contracts.

The Right to Repay Loans in Advance

Finally, consumers should be able to repay loans ahead of schedule without incurring penalties. This right allows consumers to manage their finances more effectively and avoid excessive interest payments.

Launch of the Local Platform for SME Financing Credit Services

In response to these issues, a new local platform dedicated to SME financing credit services has been launched. This platform aims to leverage digital, market-oriented, and pure credit services to support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

Role of Credit Information

The platform will play a crucial role in supporting SMEs by sharing credit information and utilizing big data to unearth the value of credit information. By doing so, it aims to provide comprehensive, one-stop services to businesses.

Comprehensive Services

The services offered include creating detailed credit portraits of enterprises, intelligent matching of financing options, and customized development of credit services. These tools are designed to enhance the application of shared credit information and elevate the financing capabilities of SMEs.

Promoting SME Financing

Through these efforts, the platform seeks to improve the overall financing environment for SMEs. By making credit information more accessible and usable, it aims to facilitate better financing opportunities and promote the growth and stability of smaller businesses.

Credit Reports for Property Service Enterprises

Another significant development highlighted in the report is the establishment of credit reports for property service enterprises. This initiative involves the collection, disclosure, evaluation, application, and supervision of credit information related to these businesses.

Establishing Credit Reports

Credit reports will be developed for property service enterprises, detailing their credit history and management practices. This transparency is expected to drive better performance and accountability.

Impact on Service Capabilities

Enterprises with poor credit records may find their ability to undertake new services compromised. This system is designed to ensure that only those with good credit standings can expand their service offerings, thereby promoting higher standards within the industry.


The Annual Report on the Protection of Chinese Consumer Rights and Interests (2023) has shed light on critical issues within the consumer credit landscape in China. Addressing these concerns requires updated legislation that protects consumer rights more effectively. The launch of the local platform for SME financing credit services and the establishment of credit reports for property service enterprises represent significant steps towards improving credit management and financing options. As these initiatives progress, they promise to enhance transparency, accountability, and financial opportunities for businesses and consumers alike.


What are the key consumer rights in the financial sector that need better protection?

The key consumer rights that need better protection include the right to know, the right to privacy, the right to revoke, and the right to repay loans in advance. These rights ensure that consumers are well-informed, their personal data is secure, they can withdraw from unfavorable agreements, and they can repay loans early without penalties.

How will the new local platform support SMEs in financing?

The new local platform will support SMEs by sharing credit information and utilizing big data to create comprehensive services such as credit portraits, intelligent matching of financing options, and customized credit services. This will improve the accessibility and usability of credit information, enhancing the financing environment for SMEs.

What impact will the credit reports for property service enterprises have?

Credit reports for property service enterprises will promote transparency and accountability. Enterprises with poor credit records will face restrictions on their ability to undertake new services, encouraging higher standards and better performance within the industry.

Post time: May-29-2024

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