The credit system in the culture and tourism sectors was further improved


The credit system in the culture and tourism sectors was further improved

The construction of the credit system in the cultural and tourism market has entered a new stage of legalization and standardization, adhering to the principle of promoting construction by use, forming a work pattern guided by the implementation of regulations, guided by evaluation and pilot, supported by the credit system, and guaranteed by training and publicity. All localities actively promote the implementation of relevant arrangements for the construction of credit systems in the cultural and tourism markets, deepen credit understanding, innovate credit means, and optimize business credit reports in light of local realities.

In order to implement the relevant arrangements for the construction of the credit system in the cultural and tourism market, all localities have actively explored, and from 2022 to August 2023, the country has introduced 40 innovative supporting systems for the construction of the provincial credit system. Among them, there are 38 administrative normative documents and 2 local standards, which mainly involve the construction of credit system, credit classification and supervision, credit commitment, credit evaluation, credit repair, credit information management, credit brand cultivation, credit consumption, credit incentive and other types, basically covering the key areas of credit system construction. The system construction situation of overall promotion and single field breakthrough has been formed.


Post time: Jan-03-2024

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