The management of business credit service agencies will be more standardized in 2024


The management of business credit service agencies will be more standardized in 2024

 From the establishment of a business credit service agency database in 2019 to the establishment and management of credit service agencies in 2023, a number of compliant credit service agencies have been selected nationwide for publicity in “Credit China”, and they provide professional and compliant credit services such as market credit evaluation for market players. Changsha is also able to conduct comprehensive, transparent and real-time tracking and evaluation of credit service agencies. This not only helps market players reduce the cost and risk of selection, but also promotes the healthy development of Changsha’s credit service market.

At the same time, the unified credit rating and classification results of the city once a year given by the government are like an authoritative economic identity card, so that every market entity can simplify the cumbersome procedures such as certification and rating in various scenarios according to relevant rules and regulations, and become an indispensable passport for market entities in market economic activities. Thus, the operating cost is greatly reduced.

As a representative of China’s new first-tier cities, Changsha has explored a path with unique Star City characteristics in optimizing the credit rating and classification management system and innovating the application of credit rating and classification results, which not only helped Changsha win the honor of the national social credit system construction demonstration zone, but also provided valuable experience and reference for the national urban social credit system construction. In the future, we look forward to seeing this credit classification model promoted and applied more widely across the country, injecting new impetus into the construction of a social credit system.


Post time: Jan-09-2024

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