Two-way sharing of credit repair data to achieve controllability of credit risk


Two-way sharing of credit repair data to achieve controllability of credit risk

Complete, accurate and comprehensive implementation of the new development concept, accelerate the construction of a new development pattern, and strive to promote high-quality development, local market credit supervision departments and social credit system construction leading departments have basically established a credit repair coordination mechanism in accordance with the requirements, complete system upgrading and transformation, and achieve two-way sharing of credit repair data.
Strengthen credit risk management. Clarify regulatory requirements on credit risk, liquidity risk, operational risk, information technology risk, reputation risk management and other aspects of consumer financial companies, optimize and add some regulatory indicators, and improve the market exit mechanism.
On the basis of improving the credit supervision system, focusing on the collaborative application of credit information, we made every effort to strengthen the foundation of credit construction and create a fair and honest market and social environment, and achieved positive results in the construction of a social credit system.

Post time: Mar-20-2024

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