Uniform credit market fair competition policy provisions


Uniform credit market fair competition policy provisions

Promoting the construction of a national unified credit market is of strong strategic and overall significance. It is not only related to the smooth circulation of the domestic market and the establishment of a new development pattern, but also related to the optimization of the business environment and the stimulation of market vitality. It is also related to the promotion of scientific and technological innovation and industrial upgrading, and the enhancement of international competitiveness.
We must adhere to the goal orientation, focus on truly giving full play to the advantages of China’s ultra-large market, rich factor resources, and complete industrial system, make solid progress in the implementation of key tasks, effectively eliminate the key blocking points that restrict economic circulation, and promote the rational flow and efficient allocation of factor resources.
It is necessary to adhere to the problem-oriented approach, comprehensively clean up policies and regulations that hinder the unified credit market and fair competition, vigorously break down all kinds of explicit and implicit barriers to market access, and continue to address prominent problems such as local protection, market segmentation, and chaos in attracting investment, while encouraging local active exploration and practice to ensure that the construction of a unified large market moves forward step by step.

It is necessary to strengthen institutional supply, further improve property rights protection, market access, fair competition, social credit and other basic institutional rules, refine operational supporting policies, deepen fiscal, tax, statistical and other reforms, and provide institutional guarantees for the construction of a national unified credit market.

Post time: Feb-28-2024

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