We will promote the high-quality development of the business credit system


We will promote the high-quality development of the business credit system

By 2025, credit information, business credit reports products and business credit services will be widely used in the business field, the scale and quality of credit transactions will continue to rise, and the business credit economy will develop and grow. The business credit management level has been continuously improved, the business credit system has become more sound, the integrity culture in the business field has been further promoted, the people and business entities have fully enjoyed the credit dividend, the construction and application level of the business credit system has reached a new level, and the ability to serve the construction of a new development pattern has been significantly enhanced.

Adhere to the people-centered approach. Closely focus on the concerns and demands of the people and business entities, effectively promote the transformation of the achievements of the construction of the business credit system, and strive to improve the happiness of the people and the sense of gain of business entities.

Persisting in reform and innovation. We will deepen reform and innovation, use new mechanisms, new technologies and new means, give full play to the initiative of local governments, and stimulate the internal impetus and vitality of business entities.

Adhere to application orientation. We will steadily promote the in-depth application of credit information, credit products and credit services in all aspects of commercial and economic activities, and further improve the efficiency of resource allocation in the commercial field.

Adhere to the system concept. Strengthen horizontal coordination and vertical linkage, promote credit construction in domestic and foreign trade, foreign investment, foreign investment cooperation, foreign aid implementation, e-commerce and other fields as a whole, and run credit construction through all fields and the whole process of commercial work.

Post time: Dec-07-2023

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