What does the commercial credit risk management mechanism include


What does the commercial credit risk management mechanism include

1. Credit risk suppression mechanism. The main task is to strictly inspect the commercial banks before the loan, strictly monitor the implementation process after the loan is issued, discover and control, and effectively manage the business credit risk.

2. Credit risk compensation mechanism. Banks use bank capital through collateral and special reserves to compensate losses when credit risks occur.

3. Credit risk diversification mechanism. It helps to solve the credit risk concentrated in one bank.

4. Credit risk transfer mechanism. Traditionally, it is generally believed that bank loans are low liquidity, and banks use credit guarantee and other ways to reduce their loan risks. However, financial innovation has greatly improved the liquidity of loans. Nowadays, commercial banks around the world are more and more trying to transfer the exposure of credit risk to the trading objects through market transactions. In addition to traditional guarantee methods, credit insurance, loan sale, asset securitization and financial derivatives gradually generated by practice are also receiving increasing attention from banks. Foreign banks have rich databases and widely use mathematical statistics and measurement models. Advanced banks in western countries can accurately calculate the credit risk of commercial banks through improvement and research. The enlightenment brought by foreign credit risk management experience: strengthen the independence of credit risk management departments, attach importance to the improvement of information technology level, strengthen external supervision, improve the level of risk supervision, and grasp the quantitative trend of risk management.

Post time: Dec-26-2023

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